Walk with me...

Why Elyse?

Marquette University

I am writing this letter on behalf of a former student of mine, Elyse McCabe.  During the fall of 2009, I had the pleasure of having Elyse in my Advertising Principles class at Marquette University. 

At the conclusion of our very first class, Elyse walked up to introduce herself with a huge smile on her face.  She was enthusiastic and highly optimistic about what the class would teach her in the months ahead. While our conversation was brief that first evening, Elyse left an indelible impression on me.  I saw her as a highly engaged young woman who was dedicated to learning and growing both as a student and an individual.

From that day forward, Elyse positively reinforced my opinion of her at every turn.  She came to each class with a smile on her face and always put maximum effort into everything she did. She was actively engaged in each discussion and came close to acing every single assignment given out in class.  Elyse earned a solid “A” as a direct result of the motivation and effort she expended in all that she did. 

I believe that Elyse would be a strong asset for any company that is considering her for a prospective job.If you would like to discuss Elyse and her qualifications further, please do not hesitate to contact me at 414-702-5785 or via email at [email protected].


Susan M. Northey
Adjunct Professor – Marquette University
Director Research & Measurement – Branigan Communications

Elyse McCabe is a student in my ADPR 3600—701 Public Relations Writing course in the College of Communication at Marquette University.  As part of the class assignments, she is in the process of completing a portfolio for a “client” of her choice containing 12 writing elements.  I find her to be a bright, inquisitive, and perceptive student who thinks strategically with all of her projects.  She is the type of person you should consider for an opening in your organization

She is an A student, is extremely thoughtful and has an exceptional ability to get along with others.  I would consider hiring her in an account position in my public relations firm.

If you’d like to know anything else about Elyse, please contact me.

Alan L. Gaudynski, APR, Fellow PRSA
Faculty, College of Communication, Marquette University
[email protected]
(262) 524-9998

Third Person, Inc. Advertising & Web Design

“I wish we could've hired Elyse. She's one of those rare people who's willing to do what's needed, learn anything, and take criticism. How I wish all of our interns were of this caliber. She's restored my faith in interns. Any company able to hire Elyse will have a true go-getter with an incredibly positive attitude. You can do almost anything with those two traits alone. Best of luck to you Elyse!” 
-Melinda Caughill, Partner

“Phenomenally positive, self-motivated, bright and efficient: Elyse is simply the best intern we've ever had at Third Person. If we had an opening in account service, marketing, social media management or even P.R., I'd hire Elyse instantly and I know everyone else at Third Person would approve.” 
-Michael Caughill, President